
Happy to take part in Medienfrische Residency, Bschlabertal, Tyrol from 24 May – 7 June working on a collaborative audio piece together with Maria Lisa Pichler:

” ‘… a beautiful landscape’ (working title) is an experimental audio piece – inspired by Elfriede Jelinek’s documentary film “Raumsau am Dachstein”, among others. What does a valley between isolation, emigration and day tourism sound like in a present in which the speed of social change is sometimes overwhelming? What sounds and voices bubble beneath the surface?” (Adina Camhy & Maria Lisa Pichler)

At the interdisciplinary art festival medienfrische, media art and secluded village life meet in the community of Pfafflar in Tyrol. The small and far-flung community of 90 souls is transformed by medienfrische into an experimental field in the midst of the high Alps. The focus is on contemporary developments in the media sector, the art world, science and the business sector. The quiet Bschlabertal is transformed into a place of work for 30 days.