Crater (2022, AT), found footage essay short film
16:9, 14 min, bw/w and colour
“In associative movements between the Ramon crater in the Negev desert, its counterpart of the same name on the moon, and the craters that can arise in and around us, Adina Camhy studies people’s relationship to their home planet. Found footage, photo collages, and satellite images generate a mix of images that changes the perspective on the history and future of human work.” (Diagonale)
“[T]he voiceover narrative […] draws a reflective arc based on various crater appearances on earth and in space: depth and abyss as evidence of past moments of violence.” (Christian Höller)
In the film Crater, I ask questions about the human impact on the planet, about (visual) relationships and the construction of identities. The film is approaching the phenomenon of a crater as a metaphor aswell as a concrete physical shape. By remixing found footage material, I discover relations between various forms of craters – travelling through time and space, constantly changing the perspective.
“In associative movements between the Ramon crater in the Negev desert, its counterpart of the same name on the moon, and the craters that can arise in and around us, Adina Camhy studies people’s relationship to their home planet. Found footage, photo collages, and satellite images generate a mix of images that changes the perspective on the history and future of human work.” (Diagonale)
“[T]he voiceover narrative […] draws a reflective arc based on various crater appearances on earth and in space: depth and abyss as evidence of past moments of violence.” (Christian Höller)
In the film Crater, I ask questions about the human impact on the planet, about (visual) relationships and the construction of identities. The film is approaching the phenomenon of a crater as a metaphor aswell as a concrete physical shape. By remixing found footage material, I discover relations between various forms of craters – travelling through time and space, constantly changing the perspective.
“Crater” emerged from a dialogical working process with the artist Dan Robert Lahiani in 2020/21 between Austria and Israel. Due to the pandemic our dialogue was shifted to virtual spaces.
Concept & Realisation: Adina Camhy
Artistic Collaboration: Dan Robert Lahiani
Narration: Anne Kozeluh
Music / Sound Design: Margarethe Maierhofer-Lischka
Dramaturgical Advice: Robin Klengel, Bettina Landl
Artistic Mentoring: Dorit Margreiter, Video and Videoinstallation, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
Sound Mix: Stefan Ehgartner
Sound Spatialization: Peter Venus
Title Design: Future Perfekt Studio
DCP Mastering: Mirjam Bromundt
VoD Online Screening – LABOCINE (US)
5 December, “Talking Screen. films, prints, live concert & talk”, sixpackfilm, Künstlerhaus Wien, Factory, Vienna (AT)
ADAF 2024: Techno(s)cene, Athens, tba (GR)
15 January, VOD online screening, (Doc Alliance)
7 December, “Earthshift”, Changing Room, Berlin (DE)
24 October, screening, “Kubatur – Who pays the pri€e?”, flucc, Vienna (AT)
28 September, encounters Film Festival, Bristol (UK)
25 August, Nót Film Fest, Santarcangelo di Romagna (IT)
1 June, Werkleitz Festival, Halle an der Saale (DE)
31 May, Kunstuni Linz (AT)
26 April, Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen, sixpackfilm distributer-programme (DE)
18 & 20 March, Kurzfilmwoche Regensburg, Regensburg (DE)
15 December, interface video art festival, Art Kino Rijeka (HR) (special mention)
3 November – 11 December, Acting in the Now. group exhibition, Leopold Museum, Vienna (AT)
12 October, Screening, Cinema Next, Gartenbaukino, Vienna (AT)
10 October, Curtocircuito Festival international de cine (ES)
10 October 2022, Doclisboa, festival international de cinema (PT)
27 July, Grrrls Kulturverein, open air cinema Lesliehof, Graz (AT)
30 June – 9 July, group exhibition: “Landscapes of time”, Format(*.strk), Vienna (AT)
7 April 2022, Diagonale, Festival of Austrian Film, Graz (AT)
Supported by: City of Graz, Land Steiermark, BMKOES FILM – Federal Ministry Republic of Austria Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport