video in collaboration with composer/sound artist Benedikt Alphart, Mobile Pavillon, Steiermarkschau 2023

“The 360-degree panoramic photo taken by NASA’s Mars rover Perseverance in 2022 is the largest image of the Martian surface to date – a 2.5 billion pixel window into an alien world. Adina Camhy explores this Martian landscape, accompanied by associative notes in the world-exploration medium smartphone. The focus is on geopolitical as well as ethical questions of humanity’s expansion into space. Benedikt Alphart’s composition traverses spherical space with an earth-like variety of sonic forms and instrumental-experimental explorations recorded together with Schallfeld Ensemble (cello and flute).

Image and sound each follow their own narrative and ultimately come together to form a multi-faceted analysis of the relationship between humans and their environment, on earth as well as in space.”

„Das 360-Grad-Panoramafoto des Mars-Rovers Perseverance der NASA von 2022 ist das bisher größte Bild von der Mars-Oberfläche – ein 2,5 Milliarden Pixel großes Fenster in eine fremde Welt. Adina Camhy erkundet diese Mars-Landschaft, begleitet von assoziativen Notizen im Welterkundungsmedium Smartphone. Im Zentrum stehen geopolitische wie ethische Fragen der Expansion der Menschheit ins All. Mit einer erdähnlichen Vielfalt klanglicher Formen und instrumental-experimentellen Erkundungen, die gemeinsam mit Schallfeld Ensemble (Cello und Flöte) aufgenommen wurden, durchmisst Benedikt Alpharts Komposition den sphärischen Raum.

Bild und Ton folgen ihrer je eigenen Erzählung und fügen sich schlussendlich zu einer facettenreichen Analyse der Beziehung von Mensch und Umwelt, auf der Erde wie im Weltraum.”

Concept & Realisation: Adina Camhy
Musical Composition: Benedikt Alphart
Musicians: Elisa Azzarà & Myriam García Fidalgo (Schallfeld Ensemble)
Voice: Adina Camhy (English version), Martina Zinner (German version)
Sound Recording, Mixing, Spatialisation: Benedikt Alphart 
Dramaturgical Advice: Susanna Flock, Robin Klengel
Technical Support Animation: Jürgen Hackl, Jona Kleinlein
Scientific Advice: Kathy Chubb, Luca Fossati, Hannes Mayer
DCP-Mastering: Mirjam Bromundt
Thanks: Ines Abraham, Marko Ciciliani, Kristina Cyan, HENX, Richard Hilbert, IEM/KUG, Astrid Kury, Marco Molitor, | NASA Perseverance Mars Rover | Birgit Prack | Markus Seereiter | Franz Zotter

all the artists/composers/sound artists showing their A/V works at Mobiler Pavillon:
Azra Akšamija & Dietmar Offenhuber | Benedikt Alphart & Adina Camhy | Michaela Grill | Markus Jeschaunig | Rainer Kohlberger & Peter Kutin | Gudrun Krebitz | Ralo Mayer | Muntean/Rosenblum: Markus Muntean & Adi Rosenblum | Kay Walkowiak |Richard Wilhelmer & Sonja Mutić | Silvana Beraldo & Daniela Brasil

curated by Astrid Kury
concept mobile pavillon: Alexander Kada, Kada Design

5 December, “Talking Screen. films, prints, live concert & talk”, sixpackfilm, Künstlerhaus Wien, Factory, Vienna (AT)
30 July – 18 August, group exhibition, “Atmospheres”, Galerie DLUL, Ljubljana (SI)
21 August – September, group exhibition, “Atmospheres”, Tehnopark Celje, Celje (SI)
25-30 June, “sludge pour sludge”, group exhibition, Back to Athens, Athens (GR)
4 & 7 April, Diagonale Festival of Austrian Film, Graz (AT)
28 January – 15 February 2024, screening / group exhibition, “Atmospheres”, MIT Massachussetts Institute of Technology / Steiermarkschau (US)

3 December, screening of the films shown at “Über das Neue”, Size Matters, Vienna (AT)
2 December, screening, Über das Neue, curated by Size Matters, Blickle Kino, Belvedere 21, Vienna (AT)
18 November, screening, Über das Neue, curated by Size Matters, Blickle Kino, Belvedere 21, Vienna (AT)
14 November  – 7 January 2024, group exhibition, “Atmospheres”, Austrian Cultural Forum New York (US)
26 October – 14 January, screening @ Blickle Kino on various dates during the exhibition Über das Neue, curated by Size Matters, Belvedere 21, Vienna (AT)
25 October, screening & exhibition opening, Über das Neue, curated by Size Matters, Belvedere 21, Vienna (AT)
24 October, screening, “Kubatur – Who pays the pri€e?”, billboard exhibition, flucc, Vienna (AT)
18 October – 17 November, billboard exhibition, “Who pays the pri€e?”, Kubatur, flucc, Vienna (AT)
29 April – 5 November, mobile pavillon, Steiermarkschau, Herberstein
23 March – 3 April, mobile pavillon, Steiermarkschau, Heldenplatz, Wien