music & performance for a piece by NAVARIDAS DEUTINGER, 2017

Pope Francis dreams of another Europe

Concept and Performance Marta Navaridas, Alex Deutinger, Adina Camhy
Music Adina Camhy
Sound Stefan Ehgartner
Lights Svetlana Schwin
Costumes Johanna Lakner
Outside Eyes Monika Klengel, Frans Poelstra
Music Advice Guenther Berger
Production Performanceinitiative 22
Co-production SZENE Salzburg, in the frame of “apap-Performing Europe 2020 – co-founded by Creative Europe Programme of the European Union”
Supported by Bundeskanzleramt Österreich, Kulturamt der Stadt Graz, Kultur Land Steiermark, Theater im Bahnhof, Centrale Fies
Thanks to Atelier Si Bologna, Das Andere Theater Graz, IG Tanz Graz
Drawings Marta Navaridas