To Work The Room – Critical Studies – Rundgang
- posted January 20, 2020

23.1. 17:00 – 22:00, AB 4.24.2, 4. Stock, Akademie der bildenden Künste, Augasse 2-6, Wien
For “to work the room” I am presenting “Komposition für AB 4.24.2” – a minimalistic site specific interactive sound and light installation, which works with the audiovisual features of the room itself.
Die Studierenden des Master in Critical Studies laden zu einer Ausstellung im re-workten Raum. Mit Performances, Rundgang-Drinks und einem Studiengang-Info-Speeddating.
MA Critical Studies students invite you to an exhibition in their freshly re-worked room. Featuring performances, drinks, and a critical speed-dating with infos on the programme.
Artists: Felix Balzer, Adina Camhy, Jackie Grassmann, Leonie Huber, Mahsima Kalweit & Lital Bar Noy & Elinor Soffer, Guilherme Maggessi, Tabea Marschall, Simon Nagy, Jeremy Okello-Okello, Selina Stritzel, Inga Charlotte Thiele, Andrea Zabric
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